Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

Happy April Fool's Day!!

I've thought and thought about a prank to pull, but about this time last year is when I told my poor parents that I was pregnant. I don't think they would appreciate a prank yet.

I was hoping the cop who stopped me this morning right after I dropped off the baby would play an April Fool's joke on me, but no, he still gave me my speeding ticket. 40 in a 25. I really thought it was 35. He even had the Hitler-stache goin on. It was actually really quite amusing.

Cop: "Ma'am, do you know why I stopped you?"

Do they teach that line in cop school??

Me: "Um, no" I really don't know why he whipped a shitty in the middle of rush hour to pull me over.

"You were speeding. Do you know the speed limit on this road?"

Me: "35."

Cop: "Nope, 25, but you were going 40. So even if it was 35 you still would have been speeding. Why are you rushing this morning."

Me: "I'm running late for work. Have to be there at 8."

Cop: "You wouldn't have been on time anyway."

DICK!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, my ranting is done. I have to figure out where to squeeze $127 out of my extremely tight budget. Fun stuff. Maybe I should talk to friends who are friends with some of the cops in this particular suburb...

speeding Pictures, Images and Photos